Ways to Donate

  • Thank You!

    Art Works Downtown’s mission is to provide an environment where visual arts thrive for the well-being of our community. Your support makes this mission a reality every day. More than a historic building, AWD creates a setting that fosters unity, belonging, collaboration, and creativity — all elements of a thriving and healthy arts community — OUR community.

    Thank you for supporting Art Works Downtown, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

  • Donate Online

    Art works downtown because of you. Make a donation through our secure website.

  • Phone Donation

    Call your credit card in to paint a brighter future for the arts.

  • Write a Check

    Mail your donation to:
    Art Works Downtown
    1337 Fourth Street
    San Rafael, CA 94901

  • Sponsorship

    Art Works Downtown offers a variety of art based events throughout the year. Become an Event Sponsor by contacting Elisabeth Setten at 415.451.8119x702.

  • Donate Stock

    Making a gift of securities is easy, and has many tax benefits. To donate stock or other securities, please contact Elisabeth Setten at 415.451.8119x702.

  • Donor Advised Fund

    Making a gift through your donor-advised fund is a convenient way to support Leadership Circle. Please contact Elisabeth Setten at 415.451.8119x702.

  • Employee Matching Gift

    Your company may match your donation to our organization. Please submit a match form provided by you or your spouse's employer.  

  • Make a Legacy Gift

    Contribute a lasting impact that will support our mission for generations to come. Please contact Elisabeth Setten at 415.451.8119x702.

Join the Leadership Circle

We invite you to join AWD’s Leadership Circle by donating $1000 or more to ensure the visual arts thrive for the well-being of our community. See the list of all our current Leadership Circle donors whose generosity makes AWD’s mission possible.